Visual Recap of VanUXR Pub Night

Eric Liu · February 6, 2023

A few nights ago, the VanUXR community met up at the Strathconahcona Brewing Company for a night of amazing drinks, conversations, and connection. It was a great opportunity for research professionals to catch up and hear about what’s going on in the research scene, as well as welcoming new members to the community.

The atmosphere was lively, with everyone chatting and enjoying each other’s company over delicious drinks and pub food. A huge thank you to everyone who came out and made the night such a memorable one.

If you’d like to be notified of future events like this (and more), sign up and join our meet-up group. Also, if you are interested in giving a presentation at the meet-up, or supporting the meetup in any way, shape, or form, please email

guy in baseball cap chatting

guy in grey sweater talking guy in red sweater

guy with leather jacket talking beside girl in blouse

VanUXR pub night group shot

girls in sweater and guy in plaid shirt smiling

guy in grey sweater with quarter of a pint

guy in grey sweater and guy in dark blue raincoat

guy in pink hoodie and guy in grey sweater and girl in brown sweater looking at cards

guy in pink hoodie points at camera and the other two smiling

girl in brown sweater and guy in black sweater talking to girl in yellow sweater

girl in brown sweater, guy in black sweater, and girl in yellow sweater, all smiling

2 guys in grey sweaters talking

guy in pink hoodie, 2 guys in grey sweaters smiling

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